See Tables 1 and 2 for visually graded lumber species and lumber species combinations and assigned specific gravity per the National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction. Assigned specific gravity in the NDS is an average property based on weight and volume when oven-dry. Bold entries are commonly available lumber species combinations used in International Residential Code and International Building Code span tables for joists and rafters.
- For a complete listing of lumber species, lumber species combinations and assigned specific gravity, see NDS Supplement Chapter 4 (https://awc.org/pdf-viewer/?idp=4126&idf=4) and its Addendum/Errata (https://awc.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/AWC-2018NDS-Supplement-Updates-Errata_22-4-18.pdf).
- Lumber with specific gravity less than 0.42 may be associated with special prescriptive fastening requirements in accordance with the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC). Bold entries are commonly available lumber species combinations used in IRC and IBC span tables for joists and rafters.
- For a complete listing of lumber species, lumber species combinations and assigned specific gravity, see NDS Supplement Chapter 4 (https://awc.org/publications/2018-nds-supplement) and its Addendum/Errata (https://awc.org/publications/2018-nds-updates-errata).
- Lumber with specific gravity less than 0.42 may be associated with special prescriptive fastening requirements in accordance with the International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC).
A list of lumber grading rules writing organizations certified by the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) is provided below.
- NELMA. Standard Grading Rules for Northeastern Lumber; published by the Northeast Lumber Manufacturers Association (NELMA), 272 Tuttle Road, P.O. Box 87A, Cumberland Center, ME 04021; 207.829.6901; 207.829.4293 (fax); e-mail [email protected]
- RIS. Standard Specifications for Grades of California Redwood Lumber; published by the Redwood Inspection Service (RIS), 1500 SW First Avenue, Portland Oregon 97204-2122; 503.224.3930; 503.224.3934 (fax); e-mail [email protected]
- SPIB. Standard Grading Rules for Southern Pine; published by the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (SPIB), 4555 Spanish Trail, Pensacola, FL 32504; 850.434.2611; 850.434.1290 (fax); e-mail [email protected]
- PLIB/WCLIB. Standard Grading Rules for West Coast Lumber; published by the Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau (PLIB/WCLIB); 1010 South 336th Street, Suite 210, Federal Way, WA 98003; 253.835.3344; 253.835.3371 (fax); e-mail [email protected]
- WWPA. Western Lumber Grading Rules; published by Western Wood Products Association (WWPA); 1500 SW First Avenue, Portland Oregon 97204-2122; 503.224.3930; 503.224.3934 (fax); e-mail [email protected]
- NLGA. Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber; published by the National Lumber Grades Authority (NLGA); Suite 303 – 409 Granville St., Vancouver, BC V6C 1T2; 604.673.9100; 604.673.9141; e-mail [email protected]
For the most up to date information see:
With few exceptions, lumber species or lumber species combination (usually in abbreviated form) is a standard component of lumber grade stamps per the American Lumber Softwood Lumber Standard – PS20.
These grade mark components are illustrated below for Visually Graded Lumber.
An example grade stamp for S-P-F (or Spruce-Pine-Fir) lumber species combination is shown below:
If lumber species or lumber species combinations questions arise based on grade stamp notations, the inspection agency for this example (i.e., Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau) should be contacted:
See (http://alsc.org/uploaded/LumberProgram_facsimile%20September%202021.pdf) for more information on grade stamps including inspection agency contact information.
Where can I obtain information on designing post frame structures (sometimes referred to as pole buildings or pole barns)?
1. Design values for poles (smaller at the top and buried) and piles (smaller at the bottom and driven) are in the 2005 NDS Chapter 6. Design values for poles and piles were moved to the NDS Supplement: Design Values for Wood Construction in the 2012 Edition.
2. Post-Frame Design Manual (Second Edition) to be published by the Technical & Research Committee of the National Frame Builders Association (NFBA).
4840 Bob Billings Parkway
Lawrence, KS 66049-3862
Phone: (800) 557-6957
Local: (785) 843-2444
Fax: (785) 843-7555
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: NFBA (National Frame Building Association)
3. ASAE Post Frame Building Manual
ISBN: 0-929355-29-6
Phone: 800-695-2723
Fax: 269-429-3852
4. The Midwest Plan Service publishes a Structures and Environment Handbookwhich address gussets in section 406.5 under Wood Truss Design. The most recent edition is a 1987 Revised 11th Edition. For ordering information, visit
Midwest Plan Service
122 Davidson Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-3080
Toll Free: (800) 562-3618
E-mail: [email protected]
Design for Code Acceptance (DCA) #5 provides guidance to post-frame building designers for meeting the requirements of the 2000 International Building Code and to confirm that a properly designed post-frame building is in fact code compliant.
See also General FAQ: “Where can I find information on Timber Poles and Piles?”
See also General FAQ: “What is timber frame construction and where do I find more information about it?”
The Southern Forest Products Association (SFPA) publishes the Permanent Wood Foundations Design and Construction Guide. Download the document here.
AWC’s PWF Design Fabrication Installation (DFI) Manual and Technical Report #7, Permanent Wood Foundation System Basic Requirements (TR7) have both been discontinued and are out of print. ANSI / AWC PWF – Permanent Wood Foundation Design Specification replaces TR7 and has been adopted in the 2009/2012 International Residential Code and 2009/2012 International Building Code. This document primarily addresses structural design requirements. See the SFPA Permanent Wood Foundations Design and Construction Guide for construction details and tabulated data.
- Designing Retaining Walls, Bulkheads and Seawalls of Treated Timber. Author: American Wood Preservers Institute, 1966
- Earth Retaining Structures. Author: W.D. Keeney, AWPI
- Improved Standard Designs Pressure-Treated Timber Crib Walls. AWPI, 1969.
- Available upon e-mail request: [email protected].
Guidance for this issue can be found in the commentary to the Permanent Wood Foundation Design Specification. The PWF commentary states in C5.4.5:
- Since nominal unit shear capacities for shear walls and diaphragms published in the Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) Specification are based on short-term load duration, it is necessary to multiply nominal unit shear capacities for seismic by 0.281. The 0.281 multiplier results from the combination of the 2.0 allowable stress design (ASD) reduction factor and a 0.9/1.6 factor for adjusting from the ten-minute load duration basis for wind and seismic design in the SDPWS to a permanent load duration basis for PWF applications.

The sections of the IBC and IRC that deal with sound transmission are IBC Section 1206 and IRC Appendix AK. These code provisions apply to wall and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from other dwelling units, or from adjacent public areas, within a building. These provisions do not deal with sound transmission from outdoors to indoors, through an exterior wall. Although US model building codes do not contain provisions regulating minimum sound transmission performance of exterior walls, there are some cases where designers specify a minimum level of sound transmission performance for exterior walls on specific construction projects. In such cases, the most direct and accurate way of assessing sound transmission performance of an exterior wall is through field testing in accordance with ASTM E966 and analysis in accordance with ASTM E1332. The single-number ratings resulting from this test and analysis procedure are outdoor-indoor transmission class (OITC) and outdoor-indoor noise isolation class (OINIC(θ)). Conversely, sound transmission class (STC) is determined through laboratory testing in accordance with ASTM E90 and analysis in accordance with ASTM E413. This testing and analysis is most commonly used for assessing the sound transmission performance of interior walls and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from other parts of a building, as these are the only places where US model building codes require minimum sound transmission performance. While it is possible to perform an ASTM E90 test on an exterior wall assembly in a laboratory and determine an STC rating for that assembly using ASTM E413, this is less commonly done because building codes do not place minimum performance requirements on sound transmission through exterior wall assemblies and because OITC and OINIC(θ) ratings provide in-situ assessments of exterior wall performance.
As stated in Section 1.1 of ASTM E90, the scope of this standard is limited to building partitions such as walls, operable partitions, floor-ceiling assemblies, doors, windows, roofs, etc. Although it is possible to use ASTM E90 to assess the sound transmission performance of individual components that would be used within an assembly, such use is not within the scope of the standard and is typically only done for the purpose of research. Furthermore, sound transmission class (STC) values derived for individual components of an assembly are not necessarily additive. In other words “component-additive methods” (CAM) do not necessarily yield accurate estimates of sound transmission through a complete assembly. This is especially the case when dealing with assemblies that have a cavity or void through the thickness (e.g., a stud wall with cavities between the studs). That said, there are other models (besides CAM) for estimating sound transmission performance that yield more accurate results. For example, AWC’s Technical Report 15 (TR15) provides models that can be used to estimate STC and impact-insulation class (IIC) ratings for light-frame floor/ceiling assemblies (https://awc.org/publications/tr-15-calculation-of-sound-transmission-parameters-for-wood-framed-assemblies).
Rafter spans from the AWC Span Calculator are calculated as maximum horizontal (projected) spans. Snow loads used to calculate the maximum horizontal spans are assumed to be uniform and independent of the snow loading condition (i.e. flat roof versus sloped roof, warm roof versus cold roof, balanced versus unbalanced, etc). The designer first determines the appropriate snow load condition and then he/she can use the AWC Span Calculator to calculate the maximum horizontal span for that loading condition.
ASCE 7 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures contains provisions to determine the loads for specific loading conditions based on adjustments to the ground snow load. The AWC Span Calculator does not have the means to calculate these adjustments, so rather than providing drop-down options for snow loads (e.g. 20 psf, 30 psf, etc.), the AWC Span Calculator requires the roof snow load to be calculated and entered manually.
For roof rafters where the maximum horizontal projected rafter span from eave support to ridge is less than 20 feet, ASCE 7 provides a simplification that sets the unbalanced snow load equal to the ground snow load (see Snow Provisions in ASCE 7-05 for more information) which simplifies the determination of the snow load condition. This simplification also applies in ASCE 7-10.
Exposure B as defined in the WFCM and ASCE7-10 is as follows: “Urban and suburban areas, wooded areas, or other terrain with numerous closely spaced obstructions having the size of singe family dwellings or larger.”
Exposure C as defined in the WFCM and ASCE7-10 is as follows: “Open terrain with scattered obstructions including surface undulations or other irregularities having height generally less than 30 feet extending more than 1500 feet from the building site in any quadrant. Exposure C extends into adjacent Exposure B type terrain in the downwind direction for the distance of 1500 feet or 10 times the height of the building or structure, whichever is greater. This category includes open country and grasslands, and open water exposure for less than 1 mile.”
Exposure D as defined in the WFCM is as follows: “Flat unobstructed areas exposed to wind flowing over open water for a distance of a least 1 mile. This exposure shall apply only to those buildings and other structures exposed to the wind coming from over the water. Exposure D extends inland from the shoreline a distance of 1500 feet or 10 times the height of the building or structure, whichever is greater.” The ASCE7-10 definition is similar.
Exposure D is outside the scope of Chapter 3 of the WFCM. It would require either design using WFCM Chapter 2 or ASCE 7. Conversion factors for Exposure D are available in WFCM Table and their applicability is noted in Chapter 2 Table footnotes.
The envelope procedure is a simplified method where GCpf values are developed to provide maximum structural actions from boundary-level wind tunnel tests of low-rise buildings meeting certain limitations. The directional procedure uses GCp values that are based on general aerodynamic theory and is more generally applicable to all buildings.

The provisions of NDS Chapter 16 and FDS Chapter 3 are intended to allow the designer to use analytical methods to establish the fire resistance time associated with a wood member or assembly tested to an ASTM E119 fire exposure. In this mechanics-based design method, wood design properties intended for structural design are adjusted to nominal strengths for fire resistance calculations. These nominal strengths are used with cross-sections, reduced due to charring of the wood, to calculate the time to structural failure of a wood member or assembly. As such, application of the slenderness limits intended to provide safe structural designs to provisions for estimating structural failure time is unnecessary and would reduce accuracy of the estimated failure time. Reference to the equation 3.7-1 is provided within Chapter 16 to remind the user that the stability equations should be applied in the design of columns. Reference to the stability equations like 3.7-1 were only to remind the user that stability equations should be applied, but not intended to require application of design slenderness ratio limitations that are specific to structural design. As stated in NDS Commentary Section C16.1, these provisions do not address procedures for evaluating members for continued service following fire damage.
Design for Code Acceptance (DCA) #1 Flame Spread Performance of Wood Products provides building-code-accepted flame spread ratings for various wood products and species which are normally used as interior finishes for walls, ceilings, and floors in buildings.
Wood materials may be used as an interior finish in almost all occupancies. IBC Table 803.9 indicates the finish classification required for every occupancy and location within the building. The required classifications (A, B, or C) are ranges of flame spread resulting from testing per ASTM E84 or UL723.
Flame spread classification is usually obtained from the manufacturer, but code officials and designers can also make use of DCA 1 to quickly determine the flame spread of lumber and various engineered wood products. Most wood species qualify as Class C, but some can qualify as Class B. All the products listed in DCA 1 also meet the maximum smoke-developed index of 450 required by the building code (803.1.1).
The flame spread index of fire-retardant-treated wood is required to be 25 or less (Class A) per Section 2303.2. Traditional wood floor coverings are exempt from interior finish requirements, and exposed portions of Type IV (Heavy Timber) structural members are also exempt from the interior finish requirements of the code (Section 804).
For occupancies such as stores, apartments, offices, and other commercial and industrial uses, building codes commonly require floor/ceiling and wall assemblies to be fire-resistance-rated in accordance with standard fire tests. The 2012 International Building Code permits fire-resistance-rating to be established by several methods. Testing is the primary means (703.2, 2012 IBC), but not the only one. The five alternatives shown in 703.3 permit the code official to allow fire-resistance-rating to be established using a number of methods and principles of fire resistance in the code and elsewhere:
- Fire-resistance-rated designs documented in sources.
- Prescriptive designs of fire-resistance-rated building elements, components, or assemblies as prescribed in IBC Section 721.
- Calculations in accordance with IBC Section 722.
- Engineering analysis based on a comparison of building element, component, or assemblies designs having fire-resistance-ratings as determined by the test procedures set forth in ASTM E 119 or UL 263.
- Alternative protection methods as allowed by IBC Section 104.11.
For tested assemblies, AWC’s DCA 3 – Fire-Resistance-Rated Wood Floor and Wall Assemblies describes how interior and exterior wood-frame walls and wood I-joist floors can be used to meet building code requirements for fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
Additional assemblies not shown in DCA 3 can be found in the 2005 ASD/LRFD Manual for Engineered Wood Construction Chapter M16.
Performance of finger-jointed lumber in fire-resistance-rated wall assemblies is also a common question. In 2009 the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) modified the ALSC Glued Lumber Policy to add elevated-temperature performance requirements for end-jointed lumber adhesives intended for use in fire-resistance-rated assemblies. End-jointed lumber manufactured with adhesives which meet the new elevated-temperature requirements is required to be designated as “Heat Resistant Adhesive” or “HRA” on the grade stamp. 2012 IBC Section 2303.1.1.2 on End-Jointed Lumber states, “Approved end-jointed lumber is permitted to be used interchangeably with solid-sawn members of the same species and grade. End-jointed lumber used in an assembly required to have a fire-resistance-rating shall have the designation “Heat Resistant Adhesive” or “HRA” included in its grade mark.”
AWC’s Design for Code Acceptance No. 4 (DCA 4) Component Additive Method (CAM) for Calculating and Demonstrating Assembly Fire Endurance describes a procedure to calculate the fire endurance rating of a wood-frame wall, roof, or floor/ceiling assembly. The procedure is based on combining fire resistance times assigned to each separate component of the assembly without the need for additional fire testing. Section 722.6 of the 2012 International Building Code (IBC) provides the basis for this approach and is limited to determining a maximum fire resistance rating of one hour. A simple example of a one hour interior wall is shown in Figure 1 and the accompanying table. Note that a single layer of 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board is assigned a time of 40 minutes and 2×4 wood studs are assigned 20 minutes for a total of 60 minutes.
One question that is often asked is whether this methodology can be applied to individually exposed wood members. For a large structural member with protective membranes directly applied to all of the exposed surfaces of the structural member, there is no code-referenced methodology in the United States to determine the fire-resistance rating of the member. However, research conducted at the USDA Forest Products Lab (FPL) concluded that the fire resistance of a structural wood member with a protective membrane directly applied to all of the fire exposed surfaces can be obtained by adding a fixed time for the protective membrane to the fire resistance of the unprotected element. The tests indicated that times of 30 minutes for a single layer of 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board and at least 60 minutes for a double layer of 5/8-inch Type X gypsum board will result in estimates for the fire resistance of protected structural wood members consistent with the failure times observed in tensile fire-resistance tests of protected structural wood members.
One-hour fire-resistance-rated floor/ceiling assemblies that are derived by ASTM E119 testing are typically constructed with 2×10 or 2×12 joists. Joists of lesser depths, such as 2×8, are generally not permitted to be substituted unless the assembly is retested. However, with approval of the building official, the empirical methods in IBC 721.6 and AWC’s DCA 4 can be used to estimate fire endurance times for 2×8 floor/ceiling assemblies without testing.
Chapter 16 of the National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction provides a code-recognized approach for determining the fire resistance of solid sawn, glulam, and select structural composite lumber (SCL) materials, including laminated veneer lumber (LVL), parallel strand lumber (PSL), laminated strand lumber (LSL), and cross-laminated timber (CLT). Design for Code Acceptance Document 2, titled “Design of Fire-Resistive Exposed Wood Members” (DCA 2) provides resources for users to calculate fire resistance for exposed wood members, in compliance with Chapter 16 of the NDS including flexural members (beams), compression members (columns), and solid lumber including decking and other structural members. Additional information including background, examples, and tables providing allowable load ratios for different member types and sizes can be found in Technical Report 10 (TR10).
See also:
Details for exterior wall/floor intersections in Type III construction are included in Design for Code Acceptance No. 3 Fire Resistance Rated Wood Frame Wall and Floor Assemblies (AWC DCA-3). The details may be helpful when a one-hour floor ceiling assembly intersects with a two-hour exterior wall in traditional platform construction, if there are concerns about the continuity of the exterior wall rating. The details are accompanied by text which explains the methodology for maintaining the fire resistance of both assemblies.

- Designing Retaining Walls, Bulkheads and Seawalls of Treated Timber. Author: American Wood Preservers Institute, 1966
- Earth Retaining Structures. Author: W.D. Keeney, AWPI
- Improved Standard Designs Pressure-Treated Timber Crib Walls. AWPI, 1969.
- Available upon e-mail request: [email protected].
NDS Archives + Historical Design Values
1991-1997 NDS Commentary – Historical Development
Wood Handbook – Wood as an Engineering Material
Wood and Timber Condition Assessment Manual, Second Edition – Electronic (PDF)
by Robert J. Ross and Robert H. White
Here’s contact information for the lead author:
Dr. Robert J. Ross
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (608) 231-9221
Website: http://www.fs.fed.us/research/people/profile.php?alias=rjross
Other resources:
Evaluation, Maintenance and Upgrading of Wood Structures: A Guide and Commentary. Published by: ASCE (Proceedings of a session at Structures Congress, 1986). Edited by: Alan Freas. Available at https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=6lghAGA7OLwC
Evaluation and Upgrading of Wood Structures: Case Studies. Published by: ASCE (Proceedings of a session at Structures Congress, 1986). Edited by: Vijay K. A. Gopu. Available at http://cedb.asce.org/CEDBsearch/record.jsp?dockey=0050270
ISBN # 0872625508
Grading of existing timbers
West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau (WCLIB) will grade existing timbers. Here’s contact information:
PO Box 23145
Portland, Oregon 97281-3145
Fax: 503-684-8928
Historical Considerations in Evaluating Timber Structures
R. L. Tuomi and R. C. Moody, Engineers
Forest Products Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture
Fire and Smoke Repair
Restoration Industry Association Guidelines for Fire & Smoke Damage Repair, 2nd Edition
Classic texts online
Rankin, William John MacQuorn (1866): Useful Rules and Tables Relating to Mensuration, Engineering, Structures, and Machines, Charles Griffn and Company, London, UK.
Includes timber design properties (see p. 199).
Johnson, J.B. (1904): The Materials of Construction – A Treatise for Engineers on the Strength of Engineering Materials, Fourth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA.
Comprehensive strength of materials text for typical materials of the time, including timber (see p. 236-238).
Ketchum, Milo S. (1918): Structural Engineers Handbook – Data for the Design and Construction of Steel Buildings and Bridges, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, USA.
Includes timber Bridges and trestles (see p. 298).
Jacoby, H.S. (1909): Structural Details or Elements of Design in Timber Framing, John Wiley & Sons, NY, USA.
An early authoritative text on timber detailing, joints, connections, design, and more.
The video was published in 1993 by Odyssey Productions, Inc. and was sponsored by WWPA, AF&PA, SFPA, and APA. Contact SFPA (Southern Forest Products Association) at 504-443-4464 or http://www.sfpa.org. Ref #AV45
- International Codes Council
ICC Consensus Committee on Log Structures (IS-LOG): Information on the development of the ICC Standard on Design, Construction and Performance of Log Structures (ICC-400).ICC Headquarters
5203 Leesburg Pike
Suite 600, Falls Church, VA 22041
Phone: (888) ICC-SAFE (422-7233)
Fax: (703) 379-1546
Website: http://www.iccsafe.org/ - Log Homes CouncilNational Association of Home Builders
1201 15th Street
Washington, D.C 20005
Phone: (800) 368-5242, ext. 8576
Fax: (202) 266-8141
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.loghomes.orgAll Log Home Council members must participate in a monitored Log Grading Program.Their technical consultant is:
Mr. Rob Pickett
Rob Pickett & Associates
PO Box 490
Hartland, VT 05048-0490
Phone: (802) 436-1325
Fax: (803) 436-1325
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://robpickettandassoc.com/ - Visual Stress Grading of Wall Logs and Sawn Round Timbers Used in Log Structures, by Edwin J. Burke, Ph.D., Univ. of Montana, Wood Design Focus, Vol. 14, No. 1. Abstract: This article explains the need for and the history and process of stress grading logs used in construction of log structures and offers practical information for engineers, architects, and code officials working with this type of construction system. For ordering information, visit http://www.forestprod.org/
Dr. Edwin J. Burke
Professor of Wood Science
University of Montana
School of Forestry; Wood Science Associates
2617 Garland Drive
Missoula, MT 59803
Phone: (406) 251-4325
Fax: (406) 251-6189
Email: [email protected] - ASTM D3957 – 09(2015) Standard Practices for Establishing Stress Grades for Structural Members Used in Log Buildings defines two types of structural members used in log buildings; Wall-Logs and Sawn Round Timber Beams. For more information, visit http://www.astm.org/
- International Codes Council
ICC Consensus Committee on Log Structures (IS-LOG): Information on the development of the ICC Standard on Design, Construction and Performance of Log Structures (ICC-400).ICC Headquarters
5203 Leesburg Pike
Suite 600, Falls Church, VA 22041
Phone: (888) ICC-SAFE (422-7233)
Fax: (703) 379-1546
Website: http://www.iccsafe.org/ - Log Homes CouncilNational Association of Home Builders
1201 15th Street
Washington, D.C 20005
Phone: (800) 368-5242, ext. 8576
Fax: (202) 266-8141
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.loghomes.orgAll Log Home Council members must participate in a monitored Log Grading Program.Their technical consultant is:
Mr. Rob Pickett
Rob Pickett & Associates
PO Box 490
Hartland, VT 05048-0490
Phone: (802) 436-1325
Fax: (803) 436-1325
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://robpickettandassoc.com/ - Visual Stress Grading of Wall Logs and Sawn Round Timbers Used in Log Structures, by Edwin J. Burke, Ph.D., Univ. of Montana, Wood Design Focus, Vol. 14, No. 1. Abstract: This article explains the need for and the history and process of stress grading logs used in construction of log structures and offers practical information for engineers, architects, and code officials working with this type of construction system. For ordering information, visithttp://www.forestprod.org/
Dr. Edwin J. Burke
Professor of Wood Science
University of Montana
School of Forestry; Wood Science Associates
2617 Garland Drive
Missoula, MT 59803
Phone: (406) 251-4325
Fax: (406) 251-6189
Email:[email protected] - ASTM D3957 – 09(2015) Standard Practices for Establishing Stress Grades for Structural Members Used in Log Buildings defines two types of structural members used in log buildings; Wall-Logs and Sawn Round Timber Beams. For more information, visit http://www.astm.org/
AWC Wood Frame Construction Manual (WFCM) 2015 Edition is presently referenced in model building codes such as the IBC (International Building Code) and IRC (International Residential Code). The WFCM is an ANSI-approved document that provides engineered and prescriptive requirements for wood frame construction based on dead, live, snow, seismic, and wind loads from ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.
AWC Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) 2015 Edition is presently referenced in model building codes such as the IBC. The SDPWS is an ANSI-approved document that covers materials, design, and construction of wood members, fasteners, and assemblies to resist wind and seismic forces.
Wood has a high strength-to-weight ratio. Since wood is lighter than steel or concrete, there is less mass to move—a critical factor during an earthquake. Wood members connected with steel fasteners create a very ductile (flexible) assembly which is less prone to brittle failures often seen with unreinforced masonry or concrete structures.
Multiple, repetitive wood members (studs, joists, and rafters at 16”-24” on-center) provide redundancy in wood assemblies making them less prone to catastrophic collapse. Wood’s renewability, low life-cycle environmental impacts, and ability to sequester carbon provides the optimal combination of green building and stability for earthquake-prone areas.
Tests have proven the viability of wood frame structures under seismic loads.
Here are some resources for this issue:
- General information is available in the ASD/LRFD Manual. The longitudinal direction shrinkage (from green to oven dry) for normal wood usually ranges from 0.1 to 0.2 percent of the green dimension. For the radial and tangential directions, there is an approximate 1% change in dimensions per 4% change in moisture content.
- USDA Wood Handbook Chapter 4.
- WWPA Shrinkage Tech
- Canadian Wood Council’s “DimensionCalc” will calculate for the dimensional change in wood due to shrinkage

Floor joist span tables are tabulated based on allowable deflection limits of L/360. Floor live loads range from 30 psf for sleeping areas to 40 psf for other occupancies. Ceiling joist span tables are tabulated based on allowable deflection limits of L/240.
Typically a user will know the span and desired spacing for a given application. The user can select a species, size, and grade for trial use. Using the Design Values for Joists and Rafters, the user determines the modulus of elasticity and bending design value of the species, grade and size of lumber. Bending design values are already adjusted for load duration and repetitive member factors in the Design Values Supplement. With this information the user enters the span table with the given modulus of elasticity and determines the allowable span for an estimated size and spacing. If the allowable span is greater than that required for the application, the species, grade and size selected should then be verified for bending strength. At the bottom of each table, required bending design strengths for specific joist spacing are tabulated. If the bending design value selected from the Design Values Supplement is greater than the tabulated required bending design value, then the species and grade chosen is adequate. If the bending design value is less than the tabulated value then the user can either select a deeper member, decrease the joist spacing or select a higher lumber grade, thus a higher bending design value. For either option, modulus of elasticity has to be re-evaluated to ensure the deflection limits are maintained. Linear interpolation for intermediate design values is permitted.
More details available in the tutorial.
No. An engineer or architect should design cantilever members. Design of cantilever beams involves many variables including load, cantilever span and interior or back span. Often the load is not a single uniform distribution over the length of the member, and other additional loads are present, such as point loads at the end of the member. Because the system is composed of two pieces: the cantilever span, and the back span, the placement and magnitude of load on these sections singly or combined will cause different stresses to develop in the member. The designer seeks to find the worst combination of loading that will impose maximum shear, bending, or deflection in the member.
American Wood Council’s 2001 Wood Frame Construction Manual has engineered and prescriptive provisions that may give guidance for typical cantilever cases. For example, the Engineered Design provisions for sawn lumber floor joists in state the maximum overhang length is limited to the depth of the joist if the end of the cantilever supports a load bearing wall or shear wall (Figure 1, below).
When designed for additional loads, cantilevers are limited to 4 times the depth of the joist (Figure 2, below).
The cantilevered joist must be located directly over studs unless the top plates are designed to carry the loads. If the end of the cantilever supports a non-loadbearing non-shear wall, then the maximum overhang length is limited to one-fourth of the joist span (Figure 3, below).
Consult manufacturer’s recommendations if using I-joists. Prescriptive Design provisions found in for sawn lumber floor joists are the same except that for roof live loads and ground snow loads less than or equal to 20 psf and 30 psf, respectively, cantilevers shall not exceed one-eighth of the joist span for lumber joists supporting only a roof with a clear span of 28 feet or less.
A variety of Span Table Documents and Span Calculator products are available for use in wood building design, complete with a tutorial for their use.
The online AWC Span Calculator performs calculations for ALL species and grades of commercially available softwood and hardwood lumber as found in the NDS Supplement. There are also several other online span tables available for various regional species and grades of lumber and loading conditions:
Canadian Span Tables and Calculator
Southern Pine Span Tables
Western Span Tables and Calculator
Rafter span tables are tabulated based on allowable deflection limits of either L/240 or L/180.
The L/240 limitation allows for attachment of a ceiling to the underside of the rafter by limiting possible cracking. Cathedral ceilings are an example of this type of application. The L/180 deflection limitation would apply to a rafter with no ceiling directly attached, so deflection is not a concern.
Roof live and snow loads range from 30 psf to 60 psf. Roof dead loads range from 10 to 20 psf.
Typically a user will know the span and desired spacing for a given application. The user can select a species, size, and grade for trial use. Using the Design Values for Joists and Rafters, the user determines the modulus of elasticity and bending design value of the species, grade and size of lumber. Bending design values are already adjusted for load duration and repetitive member factors in the Design Values Supplement. With this information, the user enters the span table with the given bending design value and determines the allowable span for an estimated size and spacing. If the allowable span is greater than that required for the application, the species, grade and size selected should then be verified for stiffness or deflection. At the bottom of each table required modulus of elasticity for specific joist spacing are tabulated. If the modulus of elasticity is less than the tabulated value then the user can either select a deeper member, decrease the joist spacing or select a high lumber grade, thus a higher modulus of elasticity. For either option, bending design strength has to be re-evaluated to ensure that strength limits are maintained.
Decking Span Tables
Redwood – Click “Deck Construction” to see their updated version
Southern Pine
Western Red Cedar
National Lumber Grades Authority’s rule #126 under all species that have been graded according to NLGA (which includes Ponderosa Pine) for Exterior Patio Decking provides grade rules as follows:
“Exterior patio decking rough or unsurfaced – kiln dried, air dried, or unseasoned 5/4″ to 2″ thicknesses, 4″ and wider for flatwise load applications where spans are not to exceed 16″ on centre.”
Fall ’04 ed. of Wood Design Focus, “Considerations for Mortise and Tenon Joint Design.” For more information, visit http://www.forestprod.org/
3/97 edition of the Journal of Structural Engineering, “Characterization of Bearing Strength Factors in Pegged Timber Connections” (p.326-332). Available at http://www.asce.org/
Winter ’92 edition of Wood Design Focus, “Assessing Capacities of Traditional Timber Connections” (p.17-21). For more information, visit http://www.forestprod.org/
A procedure for wood dowel connections has been drafted into the ICC 400 Log Structures Standard. It’s based on work by Dr. Dick Schmidt at the University of Wyoming.
Richard Schmidt
Fire Tower Engineered Timber
Other Resources:
- 2018 TFEC Code of Standard Practice
- Design Considerations for Mortise and Tenon Connections, University of Wyoming April 1999: http://www.timberframeengineeringcouncil.org/images/pdf/joint_report.pdf
- Capacity of Pegged Mortise and Tenon Joints, University of Wyoming February 2004: http://www.ftet.biz/userimages/miller_report.pdf
- Timber Pegs Considerations for Moritse and Tenon Joint Design – Structure Magazine March 2006: http://www.structuremag.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/SF-Timber-Pegs-March-061.pdf
Anchor strength provisions in Appendix D of American Concrete Institute (ACI) Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI 318, establish “non-ductile” anchor design capacities that are approximately 1/3 of that historically used for 2×4 and 3×4 wood sill plates loaded parallel to the edge of the concrete. Test results show that ductile yielding in accordance with the National Design Specification® (NDS®) for Wood Construction Mode IIIs or Mode IV is consistently achieved prior to concrete failure. While ductile connections are assigned increased design capacities in ACI 318, the bending yield behavior of dowels in wood connections is not specifically recognized.
With assistance from AWC, a report on anchor bolts connecting wood sill plates to concrete with edge distances typically found in wood frame construction is complete and available.
International Staple & Nail Tool Association
512 W. Burlington Ave., Suite 203
LaGrange, IL 60525
Phone: (708) 482-8138
Fax: (708) 482-8186
Website: http://www.isanta.org
- 2005 National Design Specification for Wood Construction – American Wood Council
- 2012 National Design Specification for Wood Construction – American Wood Council
- Timber Rivet Connections – Design Process for a Hanger Connection – Forest Products Society
- Timber rivets in structural composite lumber – USDA Forest Products Laboratory
- Simplified analysis of timber rivet connections – USDA Forest Products Laboratory
- Timber rivet connections in U.S. domestic species – USDA Forest Products Laboratory
- Timber Rivets – NCSEA/CASE/SEI Structure Magazine
Where can I find suppliers of timber rivets?
Suppliers for timber rivets include:

Beam load tables in WSDD are tabulated based on spans from 4 to 32 feet and for lumber sizes from 2×4 to 24×24 inches.
Typically a user will know the span and load for a given application. The user can select a species, size, and grade for trial use. Using the Design Values for Wood Construction Supplement, the user determines the modulus of elasticity, bending design value, and shear parallel to grain design value of the species, grade and size of lumber. These design values need to be modified for all applicable adjustment factors including load duration and repetitive member factors from the Design Values Supplement and NDS. With this information the user enters the load table with the given bending design value and determines the allowable load for an estimated size. If the allowable load is greater than that required for the application, the species, grade and size selected should then be verified for stiffness and shear. Below each tabulated load value are the required modulus of elasticity and shear design value for the specific application. If the modulus of elasticity and shear design value selected from the Design Values Supplement is greater than the tabulated required modulus of elasticity and shear value, then the species and grade chosen is adequate. If the modulus of elasticity of elasticity or shear design value is less than the tabulated value then the user can either select a larger member, or select a higher lumber grade. For either option, bending design strength has to be re-evaluated to ensure that strength limits are maintained. For multiple members or built-up members, the allowable load would be determined by dividing the actual load by the number of plies selected for that particular member. Linear interpolation for intermediate design values is permitted.
Wood Structural Design Data (WSDD) tabulates two different types of column load tables: simple solid columns and spaced columns.
Typically, a user will enter the tables with a known length for the column and a given load. The user can select a species, size, and grade for trial use. Using the Design Values for Wood Construction Supplement, the user determines the modulus of elasticity and compression parallel to grain design value of the species, grade and size of lumber. These design values need to be modified for all applicable adjustment factors including load duration from the Design Values Supplement and NDS. The user should determine the length to depth ratio based on the size of member selected. With this information the user enters the load table with the given modulus of elasticity and compression design value and determines the allowable load for the calculated length to depth ratio. If the allowable load is greater than that required for the application, the species, grade and size selected are adequate. If the allowable load is less than required then the user can either select a larger member, or select a higher lumber grade.
There are no specific provisions for connections for built-up beams. WCD#1, Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction outlines the following general criteria:
Beams and girders are of solid timber or built-up construction in which multiple pieces of nominal 2-inch thick lumber are nailed together with the wide faces vertical. Such pieces are nailed with two rows of 20d nails-one row near the top edge and the other near the bottom edge. Nails in each row are spaced 32 inches apart. End joints of the nailed lumber should occur over the supporting column or pier. End joints in adjacent pieces should be at least 16 inches apart, Figure 15.
There is a General FAQ dealing with increased buckling capacity for built-up beams:
“Is there a design method for increased buckling capacity of built-up wood beams?”
AWC’s Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic, Table 4.2D contains shear capacities for lumber sheathing attached straight and diagonally. Table 4.3D contains shear wall capacities for straight and diagonal lumber sheathing as well.
AWC also publishes Plank and Beam Framing for Residential Buildings (WCD-4) (T14). It shows how this floor and roof framing system, traditionally used in heavy timber structures, can be adapted to home building.
The International Building Code contains design capacities for diagonally sheathed lumber diaphragms in section 2306.3 Wood Diaphragms. Visit http://www.iccsafe.org for ordering information.
Analysis Methods for Horizontal Wood Diaphragms by Jephcott and Dewdney from proceedings of a Workshop on Design of Horizontal Wood Diaphragms (ATC-7-1) conducted by Applied Technology Council on November 19-20, 1980 (25 pages). Visit their website at http://www.atcouncil.org/ to order.
The “vented airspace” refers to spaces which have the ability to move air from the space that will be vented to the outside. This is a common practice in attics where the building codes require that the space be “vented” and they specify the amount of air movement by a percentage of the ceiling area (1/150 or 1/300 depending on the vapor barrier).
For more information, see WCD #6 – Design of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence. Download free here.
AWC’s Wood Construction Data #1 Details for Conventional Wood Frame Construction, which provides proper methods of construction in wood frame buildings, with information on features which contribute to the satisfactory performance of wood structures.
AWC publishes the Wood Frame Construction Manual for One- and Two-Family Dwellings to provide solutions based on engineering analysis, in accordance with recognized national codes and standards. Like conventional construction, the engineered solutions are provided in a prescriptive format.
WCD #2 Tongue and Groove Roof Decking
Timber tongue and groove decking is a specialty lumber product, constituting an important part of modern timber construction, that can be used for many applications to provide an all-wood appearance. Nominal three and four inch decking is especially well adapted for use with glued laminated arches and girders and is easily and quickly erected. This document contains all that’s needed to design and construct tongue and groove wood roof decking.

The Canadian Wood Council has a technical bulletin on the thermal performance of light-frame wood assemblies. It discusses an R value of 1.5/inch of thickness for wood products:
Also, from 1993 ASHRAE standard, the R value per inch of thickness is about 1.1 F*ft^2*h/BTU per inch of thickness.
Thermal conductivity is a measure of the rate of heat flow through one unit thickness of a material subjected to a temperature gradient. The thermal conductivity of common structural woods is much less than the conductivity of metals with which wood often is mated in construction. It is about two to four times that of common insulating material. For example, the conductivity of structural softwood lumber at 12% moisture content is in the range of 0.7 to 1.0 Btu×in/(h×ft2×oF) compared with 1,500 for aluminum, 310 for steel, 6 for concrete, 7 for glass, 5 for plaster, and 0.25 for mineral wool.
In Chapter 4 of the USDA Forest Products Lab Wood Handbook, Table 4-7, entitled “Thermal conductivity of selected hardwoods and softwoods” lists thermal properties for various species of wood.
Thermal expansion/contraction for wood is minimal. The USDA Forest Products Lab Wood Handbook, Chapter 3. Page 3-21 outlines thermal expansion coefficients for wood, which are almost microscopic. Any expansion joint would be based on roofing material requirements.
Wood and wood-based products are widely used in building construction, due in part to favorable energy performance characteristics. As energy codes become more demanding, use of wood products in the building envelope provides greater advantages due to wood’s natural thermal resistance and low embodied energy combined with excellent structural performance and constructability. Ensuring the building envelope achieves ever-increasing levels of performance can be difficult, especially for walls where framing, fenestration, and insulation details affect overall energy performance. DCA 7 – Meeting Residential Energy Requirements with Wood-Frame Construction – 2012 IECC Version provides ways to economically meet the residential requirement of the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC).

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