What are EPDs?
EPDs describe the environmental performance from the cradle to the gate of many wood products. Our industry was the first to develop third-party verified EPDs in partnership with Underwriters Laboratories and in conformance with the global standard governing EPDs.
What are Transparency Briefs?
The accompanying Transparency Briefs summarize the most critical data presented in an EPD. Transparency Briefs provide all critical information about a product from the EPD, including its composition, life-cycle environmental impacts, material content, water and energy usage, and other product information, all in a format standardized by the third-party verifier, UL Environment. The intent of the Transparency Brief is to make it easier for users to see key product details and allow them to focus on just the environmental data.
End of Life Instructions
In recognition of the role of AWC’s members play in environmental stewardship and our interest in keeping used wood products out of the solid waste stream, we have produced the Reuse Wood Directory to instruct users on where to bring or buy used wood products at the end of life and expand wood products recovery, reuse and recycling. The directory is a resource for those seeking used wood products for repurposing, and businesses willing to accept reused wood products can create a directory listing. It also has a Sustainable Wood Guide with other end-of-life options when recycling or reuse is unavailable. Visit the website here.