
Minnesota Department of Labor & Industry
Construction Codes and Licensing Division

Adopted I-Codes:
2018 International Building Code (IBC)
2018 International Residential Code (IRC)
2018 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
Applicability (statewide, local, limited): LIMITED

Plan review, enforcement, and inspection is limited to those public buildings and state licensed facilities that are to be constructed in non-code-enforced areas or in those code-enforced areas that don’t have a delegation agreement with the state. “Public building” means a building that is paid for by the state or a state agency regardless of its cost, and any school district building project the cost of which is $100,000 or more. “State licensed facility” means a building that is licensed by the state as a hospital, nursing home, supervised living facility, free-standing outpatient surgical center, correctional facility, boarding care home or residential hospice. Building and energy codes for other types of buildings are enforced at the local level. If the local unit of government adopts any ordinance prescribing standards for new construction, the ordinance must use the edition of the IBC called for by the State. 

There are no state inspectors for buildings. Most inspection is by the local officials. 

Expected date most recent code will be adopted:

Minnesota will review the 2024 I-Codes once published, with a possible adoption in 2025 or 2026. 


Page last updated: December 2023