
Kansas State Fire Marshal’s Office

700 SW Jackson, Suite 600 
Topeka, KS 66603 
State Fire Marshal, KS | Official Website 


Adopted I-Codes:
The State of Kansas does not enforce a statewide building code, but authorizes local jurisdictions to adopt local building codes. The State Fire Marshal enforces building codes for state-owned buildings.
Current State Codes and Edition Adopted:

The State of Kansas does not enforce a statewide building code, but authorizes local jurisdictions to adopt local building codes. The State Fire Marshal enforces building codes for state owned buildings. Only the Kansas Fire Prevention Code is mandatory statewide. Local jurisdictions may amend the fire code to make it more stringent. The State has adopted the 2006 IECC for commercial buildings however there are no adopted State energy code for residential buildings.  The two largest municipalities have adopted the 2018 IBC and IRC. 

Applicability (statewide, local, limited): LIMITED

Codes are adopted and enforced locally. All local jurisdictions can make any amendments they deem necessary in their jurisdictions. 


Page last updated: December 2023