
State Insurance Commissioner
Germaine L Marks
Arizona Department of Insurance

2910 N. 44th Street, Ste. 210 (2nd Floor)
Phoenix, AZ 85018-7269
(602) 364-2499
(602) 364-3470

Adopted I-Codes:
Codes are adopted locally. Arizona Department of Health Services adopts a minimum code (currently 2012 edition) for licensed health care facilities statewide. By examination of the major communities within the Phoenix area, the following codes have been adopted:
2015 International Building Code (IBC)
2015 International Residential Code (IRC)
2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)
Applicability (statewide, local, limited): LIMITED

Codes are primarily adopted and enforced locally.   


There is no state building code other than a minimum code adopted by the Arizona Department of Health Services for licensed health care facilities.  Major jurisdictions in and around Phoenix have adopted the 2018 Editions of the codes.
Phoenix adopted the 2018 editions.  
Since codes are adopted by jurisdiction and they are still on the 2012, 2015 or 2018 I Codes, adoption of IRC Section R302.13 is unknown. Phoenix did not include this provision in the update of their 2012 I Code adoption

Page last updated: December 2023