We are the leader in the development of building codes and standards for wood design, and provide online and live training to support their implementation.
Our education programs include courses related to the use of traditional and engineered wood products for residential and commercial applications, and are ideally suited for code officials and design professionals.
We have partnered with the International Code Council (ICC), and the American Institute of Architects (AIA), and National Council on Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) to grant professional continuing education.
AWC received ANSI approval of its 2024 Fire Design Specification for Wood Construction (FDS) as an American National Standard (ANS). The standard, designated as ANSI/AWC FDS-2024, is primarily ANSI/AWC FDS-2022 with modifications to better coordinate with the 2024 NDS (ANSI/AWC NDS-2024). The FDS brings together provisions for fire design of wood members, assemblies, and connections to meet code requirements. This presentation will discuss the history of fire design provisions for wood construction, existing wood design provisions currently in building codes, wood design standards, and numerous design aids that have been incorporated into the standard. It will also provide information on calculation procedures to address the added fire resistance and thermal benefits of protection provided by use of wood cover, gypsum panel products, and insulation.
Credits: AIA 1 LU/HSW | ICC 0.1 CE | 1 PDH
2pm Eastern Daylight Time
1 hour