Where can I find information on log structures?
  1. International Codes Council
    ICC Consensus Committee on Log Structures (IS-LOG): Information on the development of the ICC Standard on Design, Construction and Performance of Log Structures (ICC-400).ICC Headquarters
    5203 Leesburg Pike
    Suite 600, Falls Church, VA 22041
    Phone: (888) ICC-SAFE (422-7233)
    Fax: (703) 379-1546
    Website: http://www.iccsafe.org/
  2. Log Homes CouncilNational Association of Home Builders
    1201 15th Street
    Washington, D.C 20005
    Phone: (800) 368-5242, ext. 8576
    Fax: (202) 266-8141
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: http://www.loghomes.orgAll Log Home Council members must participate in a monitored Log Grading Program.Their technical consultant is:
    Mr. Rob Pickett
    Rob Pickett & Associates
    PO Box 490
    Hartland, VT 05048-0490
    Phone: (802) 436-1325
    Fax: (803) 436-1325
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: http://robpickettandassoc.com/
  3. Visual Stress Grading of Wall Logs and Sawn Round Timbers Used in Log Structures, by Edwin J. Burke, Ph.D., Univ. of Montana, Wood Design Focus, Vol. 14, No. 1. Abstract: This article explains the need for and the history and process of stress grading logs used in construction of log structures and offers practical information for engineers, architects, and code officials working with this type of construction system. For ordering information, visit http://www.forestprod.org/
    Dr. Edwin J. Burke
    Professor of Wood Science
    University of Montana
    School of Forestry; Wood Science Associates
    2617 Garland Drive
    Missoula, MT 59803
    Phone: (406) 251-4325
    Fax: (406) 251-6189
    Email: [email protected]
  4. ASTM D3957 – 09(2015) Standard Practices for Establishing Stress Grades for Structural Members Used in Log Buildings defines two types of structural members used in log buildings; Wall-Logs and Sawn Round Timber Beams. For more information, visit http://www.astm.org/